问题 阅读理解
         My Favorite Sweater
My favorite sweater grew too small.
I love that sweater best of all.
My grandma made it when I was three.
She made that sweater just for me.

I picked the yarn (毛线), a special blue.
The color of bluebells, wet with dew (露水).
When I was three I was very small.
But now I'm five and much too tall.

I have a new jacket now that's green.
So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.
Queen just had kittens (小猫) out in the shed.
My favorite sweater is now their bed.
1. What makes the girl think the sweater is her favourite?

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A. The girl's grandma made it.
B. The girl got it at the age of three.
C. The yarn is the color of bluebells.
D. The cat Queen uses it for the kittens.
2. Why does the girl give the sweater away?

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A. The girl is tired of the sweater.
B. The girl wants her grandma to make a new sweater.
C. The girl likes her new jacket better than the sweater.
D. The girl thinks the sweater is too small.
3. What will most likely happen to the green jacket?

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A. The jacket will become too small.
C. The girl will sell the jacket.
B. The kittens will use the jacket for a bed.
D. The jacket will become the girl's favorite.
4. Read this line from the poem: "My favorite sweater grew too small." What does this line mean?

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A. The girl likes small sweaters.
B. The girl's sweater became smaller than it once was.
C. The girl's grandma made a small sweater.
D. The girl became too big for the sweater.
5. Read this line from the poem: Queen just had kittens out in the shed. The word "shed" in this line
    probably means ______.

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A. the girl's sweater
B. the girl's jacket
C. the cats' house
D. the cats' sweater

1-5: ADADC


“Core Competence”.通行的中译是“核心竞争力”,但它的准确译法应该是“核心能力”。 所谓“核心能力”,不是公司独有的某种技术或工艺,也不是公司内部某个人或某个部门的能 力,而是指公司整合不同的生产技能和技术后形成的一种综合能力,是公司集体学习、运作的结 果核心能力是内在的、无形的、本源性的,它难以被竞争对手所复制。一个公司凭借核心能力 才能持续为客户提供独特的价值和利益,才能不断催生新产品、开辟新市场。

了解了“核心能力”基本含义,我们就能发现目前将“Core Competence”译成“核心竞争力”的误区所在。人们常常说,人们关注的是我们的核心竞争力,某营销人员一年销售业绩上千万,它是公司的核心竞争力,丰富的劳动力资源是公司的核心竞争力。在这里,“核心竞争 力”把注意力过多地引向了“渠道”、“劳动力资源”等外在的、有形的因素而忽略了核心能力的内在性与本源性。一个公司在市场上有竞争优势,并不一定表明该公司核心能力强,特别是当竞争的环境不公平,或当该公司采取不正当竞争手段的时候。

进一步说,当一个公司过分依靠外在因素在市场上表现出巨大的“竞争力”的时候,往往是这个公司的内在能力开始蜕化、衰减的时候。优越的资源对于一个公司、一个国家来说的确是一种福音,但同时也可能是一种“诅咒”。这让人想起西方学者关于“石油的诅咒”的说法。由于可以卖石油,一些富油的国家不追求高效的经济体制,不追求创新,他们就躺在石油上坐吃山 空。对于这些国家而言,石油资源就成了一种诅咒,一个公司如果一味依靠外在优势进行竞争或 只专注于当下的竞争(如打价格战),就难以逃脱这种被“诅咒”的命运。

因此,公司必须从关注外在、表层、有形和现在,转向关注内在、深层、无形和未来。“核 心能力”的概念体现的正是这种追求。核心能力的形成是一种由表及里的、动态的、精益求精的过程。公司必须注意保持核心能力的活力,否则也难逃“被诅咒的命运”。能使公司在较长一 段时间内获得强大竞争优势的“核心能力”,一旦让公司形成路径依赖,也会产生核心能力硬化 的问题。当环境发生巨变时,公司因难以应对而猝然倒下。这就是“核心能力的诅咒”。




