问题 填空题

跨入近代后,法国的封建等级制度阻碍了资本主义的发展。1789年7月14日,巴黎人民攻占__________,揭开了法国资产阶级革命的序幕。不久,资产阶级掌握了 * * ,颁布了《 * * 宣言》。1794年的“热月 * * ”,推翻了雅各宾派的统治,标志着法国大革命的结束。此后,法国政局陷入内外交困。1799年11月9日,下图人物发动雾月 * * ,并逐渐掌握了法国 * * 。为加强统治,他颁布了一系列法律文献,其中最著名的是《民法典》,这部法典后来被称为《_________》。一战 结束后,法国先后参加了___________和华盛顿会议,形成战后世界新秩序,即凡尔赛—华盛顿体系。20世纪末,加入欧盟,停止使用原货币法郎,改用___________。





     Most sharks are dangerous. The largest kind of sharks-the whale shark-has small teeth and is quite harmless

 to people. However, blue sharks, tiger sharks, white sharks and hammerheads are enemies of man. Man-eaters

are always a danger to swimmers in shark waters. Sometimes, though, men have used strange methods when

they're suddenly faced with a shark.

     During world War Ⅱ, soldiers and sailors whose boats or planes were destroyed drifted (漂流) helplessly

on the ocean in small rafts (筏子). While waiting to be saved, the men had to struggle to stay alive and were

often attacked by sharks. In some cases, they had few weapons to protect themselves with. They found that

just splashing (溅水) water seemed to help keep the sharks away.

     One sailor was swimming for his life in the Atlantic Ocean after his boat had been blown up. He saw a

shark swimming towards him. He hit the shark with his bare fist, and that drove it off.

     Once, in Australia, a fisherman was fishing after sunset. He hooked a big fish and drew it towards the shore. His line broke when the fish was only a few yards from the shore. The fisherman waded (涉水) into the water

to try to catch it with his hands. In the dim light, it looked like the kind of fish that could be dealt with without


     He put his arms around the fish and wrestled with it. Dragging it to the beach turned out to be harder than

he had expected, but at last he pulled it in. When he turned a light on it, he was amazed. He had caught a shark.

It was small for a shark, but it was the man-eating type and was about as long as a tall man. In a word, the

best way to deal with sharks is to keep far away from them.

1. The shark that is least dangerous to man is the _______.

A. white shark

B. whale shark

C. tiger shark

D. hammerhead shark

2. This story tells you that sharks are usually ________.

A. friendly

B. small

C. afraid of people

D. dangerous

3. After the Australian fisherman found he had caught a shark, he was ________.

A. surprised

B. frightened

C. unhappy

D. angry

4. This story tells you that the best way to handle sharks is to ________.

A. hit them with your fist

B. keep far away from them

C. splash water

D. wrestle with them

5. The passage mainly tells us something ________.

A. about fishing sharks

B. about sharks

C. how to eat sharks

D. that sharks are man's enemies