On Feb. 17, 2009, it could snow all across America. Not outside, but in living rooms, on TV sets. That’s the date when broadcasters will switch to digital transmission, rendering millions of standard analog TVs useless. Consumers can avoid this whiteout, but only if they’re prepared. And there’s the challenge: How to inform the roughly 20 million households relying exclusively on analog sets that pull in their reception for free, through rabbit ears or a rooftop antenna. Analog TVs that receive cable or satellite will not be affected.Consumers who own these sets don’t necessarily need to know why the federal government is mandating the change (to free up the airwaves for other purposes, such as wireless and public safety communications-though added benefits are better pictures and more channels). But they do need consistent and unbiased information on what to do and they need to be able to act on it. With fewer than 18 months to go, though, 56 percent of viewers with analog sets have never even heard of the switch. The General Accountability Office, the government watchdog, is concerned that with two government agencies involved, "no one is in charge."The Federal Communications Commission is worried, too. "If we don’t do a better job of planning, we’ll have one of the biggest outrages Congress has ever seen," FCC commissioner Jonathan Adelstein told US senators last month. The options for consumers are fairly straightforward. Starting with the least expensive one, they are:
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