问题 单项选择题 A1型题











     It's important to prepare(准备) for earthquakes because you don't know where you will be when an

earthquake happens. Earthquakes may happen at any time, so prepare some things for your home, office

and car.

     1. Clothes.

     If you live in a cold place, you must keep warm. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think

about your warm clothes.

     2. Flashlights (手电筒) and spare batteries.

     Keep a flashlight beside you bed, at your office and in your car. Do not use matches (火柴) after an

earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks (气体泄漏).

     Prepare a radio and some spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your

best source of information (信息来源).

     3. Food and medicine.

     It's always a wonderful idea to keep some food on hand. For example, some biscuits, some canned

food, milk and some other drinks for at least 72 hours. You'd better get some necessary medicine for

your family.

     4. Water.

     A person needs at least 1/2 gallon (加仑) of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of

water for a person every day and be prepared for 72 hours. It is suggested that you buy bottled water.

Do not open the bottle until you need it. Also, do check the "use by" date.

1. Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?

A. Because earthquakes can be know before they happen.

B. Because earthquakes usually take place in the neighborhood.

C. Because we don't know when and where an earthquake will happen.

2. If you live in a cold place, you should prepare _____.

A. some hot water

B. some warm clothes

C. some batteries

3. According to the article we know that _____.

A. we need to prepare some things only at home

B. a telephone is the most important source of information

C. flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes

4. You should prepare all of the following except _____.

A. milk

B. fresh vegetables

C. biscuits

5. About the water, which description is RIGHT?

A. A person should drink at least 1 gallon of water in a day.

B. You shouldn't open the bottled water until you need it.

C. You'd better keep some hot water for 72 hours.


请使用VC6或使用[答题] 菜单打开考生文件夹proj1下的工程proj1,此工程中包含一个源程序文件main. cpp,其中有类Book(“书”)和主函数main的定义。程序中位于每个“//ERROR****found****”下的语句行有错误,请加以改正。改正后程序的输出结果应该是:
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
class Book
char * title ;
int hum_pages; //页数
int cur_page; //当前打开页面的页码,0表示书未打开
public :
// ERROR ********** found **********
Book ( const char * theTide, int pages) num_pages (pages)

tide = new char[ strlen(theTifle) + 1 ] ;
strcpy ( tide, theTitle ) ;
cout << endl << " 书名:" << title
<< "页面数:" << num_pages ;

~Book() delete []title;
bool isClosed () const return cur_page == 0 ; //书合上时返回true,否则返回false
bool isOpen()const return ! isClosed() ; //书打开时返回true,否则返回false
int numOfPages () const return num_pages ; /返回书的页数
int currentPage()const return cur_page; //返回打开页面的页码
// ERROR ********** found **********
void openAtPage(int page_no) const //把书翻到指定页
cout << endl ;
if( page_no < 1 || page_no > num_pages)
cout << "无法翻到第" << cur_page << " 页。" ;
close () ;

cur_page = page_no ;
cout << "已把" "<< title << " "翻到第" << cur page << "页" ;
void openAtPrevPage() openAtPage(cur_page - 1); //把书翻到上一页
void openAtNextPage() openAtPage(cur_page + 1 ) ; //把书翻到下一页
void close() //把书合上
cout << endl ;
if( isClosed() )
cout << "书是合上的。" ;
//ERROR ********** found **********
num_pages = 0 ;
cout << "已把书合上。" ;

cout << endl; ;
int main()
Book book( "C ++ 语言程序设计", 299) ;
book. openAtPage (50) ;
book. openAtNextPage () ;
book. openAtNextPage () ;
book. openAtPrevPage () ;
book. close () ;
cout << "当前页:" << book. currentPage() << endl;
return 0 ;