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We high school students have taken many tests and exams, which brought us not only the joy of success, but the frustration of failure as well. Different students may take the failures with different attitudes.
Some will lose heart and no longer study as hard as before. But most students take an active attitude towards it. They encourage themselves to be self-confident. In most cases, the students will turn to the experienced teachers and advisers, who can help them out with their own life stories or their experience. These students will benefit a lot from the failure by regaining the courage and the confidence in the end.
In my opinion, failure is the mother of success. Every great man failed many times before they succeeded eventually.
题目分析:这是一篇提纲式作文,要点以表格形式给出,内容与考生的日常生活非常接近,关于考试失败的两种态度,考生有话可说。要点都已经给了出来。只是需要考生就自己的态度发表看法,要使用一些好的句式如the students will turn to the experienced teachers and advisers, who can help them out with their own life stories or their experience.,在个人看法部分可以使用一些谚语如:failure is the mother of success.来提升文章的档次。还要用合适的连接词把各要点连接成完整的文章,