问题 简答题


材料一 战国时期的孟子在回答梁惠王关于强国之道的求问时,指出:“地方百里可以王。王如施仁政于民,省刑罚,薄税敛,深耕易耨;壮者以暇日修其孝悌忠信,入以事其父兄,出以事其长上,可使制梃以挞秦楚之坚甲利兵矣。”


材料二 西汉时期的董仲舒在回答汉武帝有关治理国家的方针大计的策问时,指出:“《春秋》大一统者,天地之常经,古今之通谊也。……臣愚以为诸不在六艺之科孔子之术




材料三 “未有这事,先有这理。如未有君臣,已先有君臣之理;未有父子,已先有父












In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing the words that are missing from the context. You are to put back in each of the blanks the missing word. The time for this section is 20 minutes.
Where do you really come from And how did you get (1) where you live today DNA studies suggest that all humans today (2) from a group of African ancestors who—about 60,000 years ago— (3) a remarkable journey.
The Genographic Project is seeking to chart new (4) about the migratory history of the human species by (5) sophisticated laboratory and computer analysis of DNA contributed by hundreds of (6) of people from around the world. In this unprecedented and real-time (7) effort, the Genographic Project is closing the gaps of what science (8) today about mankind’s ancient migration stories.
The Genographic Project is a five-year (9) partnership led by National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Spencer Wells. Dr. (10) and a team of renowned international scientists and IBM researchers, are (11) cutting-edge genetic and computational technologies to analyze historical patterns in DNA (12) participants around the world to better understand our human genetic roots. (13) three components of the project are: to gather field research data (14) collaboration with indigenous and traditional peoples around the world; to invite (15) general public to join the project by purchasing a Genographic Project Public Participation Kit; (16) to use proceeds from Genographic Public Participation Kit sales to further (17) research and the Genographic Legacy Fund which in (18) supports indigenous conservation and revitalization projects. The Project is anonymous, non-medical, (19) , non-profit and non-commercial and all results will be placed in the (20) domain following scientific peer publication.

问答题 简答题