问题 写作题



     The southwest of Australia has been named as one of 25 "hot spots" for future species extinction because

of global warming. A new study says global warming will become a top cause of extinction across the world,

with thousands of species of plants and animals likely to be wiped out in the coming decades.

     According to the study, global warming ranks among the most serious threats to the planet's biodiversity

and, under some conditions, may be more than that due to deforestation, this study provides even stronger

scientific evidence that global warming will result in catastrophic species losses across the planet. Last month,

a U.N. study said humans were responsible for the worst extinction and urged extra efforts to reach a U.N.

target of slowing the rate of losses by 2010.

     Scientists disagree about how far global warming is to blame compared with other human threats such as

deforestation, pollution and the introduction of some species to new habitats. But the new study looks at the

25 "hot spots"-areas that contain a big concentration of plants and animals - and predicts that 11.6 percent of

all species, with a range from 1 to 43 percent, could be driven to extinction if levels of heat trapping gases in

the atmosphere were to keep rising in the next 100 years. 

     写作内容 1. 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约为30字; 

                     2. 以“Globe Warming Threatening Our Planet”为题,谈谈全球变暖对环境的影响。


                     A. 全球变暖的主要原因;

                     B. 全球变暖的危害;

                     C. 谈谈如何解决该问题。






One possible vision:

                                                 Globe Warming Threatening Our Planet

     From the passage, we can conclude that globe warming is the major threat to our planet biodiversity, which will result in the future species extinction. And human beings should be to blame for the problem.

     As we know, the rapid development of industry is the major reason for the globe warming. Greenhouse gases are

given out when people burning large quantities of fuels to produce energy. As a result, the temperature of our planet

rises. Obviously, globe warming will do great harm to our planet. It may cause the sea level to go up, bring about severe

storms, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the destruction of species.

     So we should take actions immediately to solve the problem. Firstly, we should find some alternative natural energy

resources to replace burning fossil fuels. Secondly, laws on reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the world should be made as soon as possible. Lastly, we should strengthen the environmental education among the people throughout the world, making environmental protection a common consciousness.

单项选择题 案例分析题

姜某于1995年11月进入上海某拆迁公司工作。双方自1999年1月1日起签订劳动合同,最后续签至2008年12月31日止。2006年1月1日起,姜某每月工资由2000元/月调整为50000元/年。2007年1月1日姜某与公司签订劳动合同,约定姜某担任总经理助理工作,工资实行年薪制,全年50000元,先发90%,年终考核后再发10%。2008年1月1日,双方又签订期限自2008年1月1日至2008年12月31日止的劳动合同,约定姜某基本工资按实际发放,未约定年薪工资。2008年1月至2008年4月姜某每月领取工资分别为2994.60元、3274.60元、2994.60元、2994.60元。姜某担任总经理助理期间,兼任公司员工工资支付明细表的制作人、审核人,也是社会保险费缴纳的具体经办人。2007年11月23日,上海市浦东新区社会保险事业管理中心因公司原申报城保参保人员工作性收入总额与城保人员全年发放工资总额审计结论不一致而向公司发出整改通知书,其中姜某原申报月平均工资性收入为4166元,调整后上年月平均实际工资性收入为3895.90元。而公司按4166元/月为基数为姜某缴纳2007年度和2008年1月至2008年5月期间的社会保险费。但是,除了上述工资之外,2007年1月公司还支付了姜某2006年度年终奖40000元、2007年3月支付姜某2006年奖金15000元、2008年1月公司支付姜某年终奖30000元。    2008年5月13日,姜某以公司未依法缴纳社会保险费为由书面解除双方劳动关系,姜某表示其提出的“未依法缴纳社会保险费”是指公司2007年至2008年的社会保险费未足额缴纳。




