对这件事情深有感触,请你根据所发生的事情,以“ A good example for us” 为题写成一篇报道。
1. 时间:今天上午10时左右
2. 事件:一起车祸。一辆小轿车撞上了一辆自行车。骑自行车的人受重伤在地,头部流血,动
弹不得。 在场的旁观者有的不知所措,有的在犹豫是否出手相助。伤者情况危急。幸运的是,一个
注意: 1. 展开想象:
2. 称赞年轻人的品质,号召人们像他学习助人为乐的精神,并强调急救知识的重要性。
3. 注意时态、过渡词、连接词和句型的使用;不能逐字翻译。
4. 词汇提示: handkerchief (n. 手帕); hesitate (v. 犹豫);urgent (adj. 紧急的)
About 10 a.m., on my way to cover an event, I saw a terrible accident that had happened on the road. A
car hit a bike and the rider was severely injured. Besides, his head was badly bleeding. Urgent though the
situation was, people looking on both sides of the road were at loss. There were also some people who hesitate whether to help the victim or not. It seemed that nobody in the crowd around him knew what to do with it.
Fortunately, a young man who was just passing by came up to the injured. He calmly pulled a handkerchief out
of his pocket and dressed the wound. And he pressed it very hard so as to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, he
called 120 for help in no time.
With the young man's first aid, the rider didn't lose too much blood before the doctors came and he felt
much better. What a young man he was! He has done the right thing at the right time! It was he who saved
the rider's precious life. Obviously, he set an good example to us, which encourage everyone of us to learn
how to perform first aid because it is of great importance for our daily life.