书面表达。 为了避免互联网不良信息对青少年的毒害,2009年7 月1日起国内的计算机出厂前,都会预装一款 名为“绿坝--花季护航”的软件。该软件能过滤不良网站,控制上网时间。但此举在网上引发了争议。 请根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文,并阐述你的观点。
安装/卸载install/uninstall;非法网站 illegal website | ||||||
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All personal computers sold from July 1 ,2009 are required to install a filtering software called " the Green
Dam". It is used to keep youth away from illegal websites. Some people say it is a good way to protect children
from playing online games too long and receiving harmful information by means of technology. But some
others don't believe it is useful since it is an easy job to uninstall the software. Curious young people can visit
those illegal websites in other ways.
In my opinion, under parents' guidance, this software can play a positive role in offering a harmless online
environment to youth.