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影响最大。请你以Tracking My Growth为题写一篇英语短文。






                                                              Tracking My Growth

     The process of growing up is complex for every person, for there are many influential factors in a

person's growth as well as _____________________________________________________________



One possible version

                                                            Tracking My Growth

     The process of growing up is complex for every person, for there are many influential factors in a person's

growth as well as the development of his personality. As for me, what has affected me most in both growth

and personality are family and friends, the two equally important factors.

     My family became my first surroundings when I was born. Since it's my most direct source of knowledge

and experiences, what they say and what they do play a significant role in shaping my character.

     On the other hand, friends in some ways influence me more than my family does. Friends have many

different opinions and personalities Discussing with them builds up my personality. Frankly speaking, I get lots

of valuable things from my friends.

     Family offers me warmth and care. Friends give me strength and horizons. Therefore, both of them are

most influential in my growth.
