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    When I was young, I looked forward to my birthday all year. On that day, my friends and family made me

feel like the most special person in the world.   

    The night before my birthday each year, my parents crept into my bedroom while I was sleeping. They hung

balloons on my walls with a big sign that said Happy Birthday! When I woke up, I was always surprised!   

    If my birthday was on a school day, I brought in treats to share with my teachers and classmates. On the

weekend, I invited my closest friends to a birthday party.   

    When I was young, I had parties at my house. My parents made up lots of fun games to play. We painted

pictures, played outside, and ate lots of cake and ice cream. My friends brought gifts for me, and my parents

and I gave my friends small bags full of sweets called “goody bags”.   

    When I got older, I had birthday parties in different places. One year, I had a party at a bowling alley. Another

year, I had a roller-skating party. In middle school, my parents let me have sleepover parties. My friends and I

stayed up all night watching movies, chatting, and sharing secrets. At night we ate pizza and cake, and the next

morning my parents made pancakes for everyone.   

    The saddest day of the year for me was the day after my birthday. Then I knew I had to wait another whole

year before it would come again.

1. The writer was surprised when he woke up on his birthday because ________. [ ]

A. many people had already come to his birthday party   

B. his friends had brought many beautiful gifts for him   

C. he saw balloons with a sign that said Happy Birthday   

D. his parents had made him a cake and some ice cream

2. When he was young, he had his birthday parties ________. [ ]

A. at school             

B. at home   

C. on roller-skating grounds     

D. at bowling alleys

3. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________. [ ]

A. his birthday was his favorite day of the year   

B. no one would care about him after his birthday   

C. the day after his birthday was an unlucky day   

D. he felt sad when people left him after his birthday

4. The writer mainly tells us ________. [ ]

A. what he did on his birthday parties   

B. where he had his birthday parties   

C. who were invited to his birthday parties   

D. how he spent his childhood birthdays


1-4: CBAD


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