1. Do you think you have a poor memory? The following suggestions may help you improve. You may be able to get better grades! 2. Be interested. Tell yourself that you want to learn what you need to remember. If you keep thinking about how bad your memory is, your brain will not be active. Think about something hopeful. 3. Go over information often and "over-learn". Review what you've learned the same day you learn it. Look back on it from time to time. The more often you study the information, the easier it will be for you to recall it. 4. If you're trying to understand something that's especially difficult, try to get an overview; don't think too much about the details. If you're able to explain it to someone else in your own words, it shows you know it. 5. Do you stay up late? Do you take exercise? Good life habits help your memory. Exercise brings you enough oxygen (氧气) and makes your brain more active. | A. Having interest in what you learn.
B. Give you some suggestions.
C. Reviewing is very important.
D. Having a good life habit is helpful.
E. Understanding is necessary.