请你根据下面这个故事, 以 "Mind Your Manners"为题, 谈一谈你对礼貌的理解, 可以讲述礼貌在人们日常学习, 工作, 交友等的重要性,以及一个人如何才能拥有良好的礼节等.
一天,几个人已经坐在某公司的一个办公室里的会客椅上, 进门的地方撒落着一些文稿类的东西;这时, 来了三个前来应聘文秘工作的人,只见第一人直接踩着进入会议室, 第二个从文稿上跨过进来,第三人俯身捡起文稿,进来后把它放在办公桌上.此时,早已坐在会客椅上的董事长起身对她们说,面试结束,那个捡起文稿并将其放好的第三人被录用了.
Mind Your Manners
From this story, we can learn about the importance of good manners. Good manners are something
used every day to make a pleasant impression on others,to feel OK about oneself and above all, to make
things go smoothly, just like what happened to the third lady in the story. People with good manners are
well received at school, at job interview, in making friends, in business and in just about every situation in
However, good manners do not come naturally. They have to be learnt and developed in the long run. Usually parents should play an important role in telling and showing children how to behave politely by
what they themselves do, so should teachers pay attention to instructing little-aged kids well. Observing
people around is another useful way to learn to be good-mannered.