问题 写作题


      假如你是李明,校学生会 * * ,5月4日将要邀请市科技馆的张老师来学校做关于天文学的讲座,要点如下:

  1.讲座举行的地点在校第一教学楼 205室。

  2.请各个班级积极参与,并要同学们准备天文学方面的问题,张老师将会回答 。


词数:100 左右,

生词:科技馆Science Museum  学生会 Student Union     * * chairman


I‘m Li Ming,



I hope everybody will join in it on time.


     I'm Li Ming, chairman of the Student Union. There will be a lecture given by Teacher Zhang on May

4th, (or Teacher Zhang will be invited to give a lecture on May 4th.) who works in the Science Museum

in our city. What he will talk about is the topic on astronomy we are all interested in. It will take place in

Room 205 in the first teaching building. It is expected that every class will take an active part in it. What's more, it's better for the students to prepare some questions. Teacher Zhang will answer them, which will

be of great benefit for the students to have a better understanding of the universe. 

     I hope everybody will join in it on time.


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