问题 综合题










1929年,为了减少内部竞争,一致对外,全国52家火柴企业成立全国火柴同业联合会,刘鸿生任 * * 。在此前后,他又广泛投资于煤炭、水泥、运输、银行等多种领域。





材料二 关于鸿生火柴盒的一组老照片

材料三  I931年12月17日,刘鸿生在写给留美长子刘念仁的信中说:“我们的青年学生发扬他们的卓越爱国精神,进行罢课,游行和各种救国运动。所有这些行动都是伟大的。他们至少表现出我们的人民和整个国窄富有血性和生命力。但是,我可以说,正如现在每个青年学生都了解的,仅靠这些表现,并不能充分而有效地挽救国家。……埋头苦干,在日常工作中发挥各人的才能,这才是我们每个人救国的正确道路。”














     Many of us already know about several American superstitions(迷信). Having a black cat cross your

path, walking under a ladder, and breaking a mirror are all bad luck. In addition, there are many other

superstitions that are worth knowing. Understanding them will keep you safe from evil spirits -if you believe

in such things -and impress your American friends when you mention them.

     Like the superstitions in other cultures, American superstitions often involve the things important in daily

life, such as health, numbers, and marriage. For example, have you ever had a cough that would not go

away? According to one American superstition, you should take a piece of your hair and put it between

two slices of buttered bread. Next, feed this hair sandwich to a dog and say, "Eat well, you hound, may

you be sick and I be sound." This will trick the evil spirits and help your cough. It will also raise some

eyebrows if you try it.

     In American superstitions, the number three is very important. Often, Americas will say, "All things

come in threes." Three is lucky because it represents the traditional family: mother, father, and child.

Therefore, gifts, letters, and guests will often arrive at your home in groups of three. However, it is also

possible for bad events, like accidents and funerals, to come in threes as well.

     Another time people pay attention to superstitions is when they get married. During a wedding, brides

must wear or carry "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue". The old

and borrowed things will bring luck to the person who gives them to the bride. The new and blue things

will bring good fortune to the bride herself. The next time someone you know is getting married, be sure to

recite this phrase.

     As it would be unlucky to discuss one more superstition, we will wind things up here. Keep your fingers

crossed, and stay lucky!

1. The passage is most probably entitled _____.       

A. American's Bad Luck

B. Cross-culture and Superstitions

C. American Superstitions

D. Daily Life in Superstitions

2. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph "It will also raise some eyebrows if you try it."

means _____.       .

A. when you try it, the dog will raise its eyebrows.

B. you will make people surprised when you try this trick

C. only if you raise your eyebrows can the trick work

D. you will believe in the trick after you try it

3. In American's view, the number three is a(n) _____ number.

A. lucky

B. unlucky

C. special

D. ordinary

4. On the wedding, the bride often uses old and borrowed things so as to _____.         .

A. save some money for the wedding

B. bring good luck to the people who give them to the bride

C. give the good luck to the bride herself

D. pass the bad luck to others

5. After reading the passage, we may feel it is written in a _____ tone.

A. formal

B. serious

C. humorous

D. critical