问题 写作题


      公交车在行驶过程中如果发生自燃将会导致非常可怕的后果,请以“How to Escape

from a Bus Fire” 为题,写一篇100字左右的英语短文,为遭遇公交车失火的乘客车提些建

议,帮助他们顺利逃生。短文将刊登在中学生英语报Public Safety 栏目。(参考词汇the fire

brigade 消防队,                        evacuation  疏散)




                                                       How to Escape from a Bus Fire

     An increasing number of accidents concerned with bus fires have happened, causing dozens of

deaths. It is necessary for us to know how to act in such an emergency. Here are some tips on how

to escape from a bus fire.

     First of all, stop the bus if it is possible and analyze the  situation to determine whether evacuation

is necessary .Then cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth and move towards the exit in an orderly

fashion. Help people get off the bus in a calm, but quick manner and then leave the bus. Finally, call the

police and the fire brigade. If necessary, call an ambulance too.

     Most importantly, if a fire breaks out, you had better stay calm. Do not panic. Keeping a clear head

and thinking properly can make a difference  between life and death for you and your fellow passengers.

