青少年在身体发育阶段一定要注意均衡膳食。下列元素:铁、钙、碘含量过高或过低都会对身体造成影响,其中缺 会引起贫血,缺 会引起甲状腺肿大和呆小症。
Valentine’s Day may come from the ancient Roman feast of Luperealia. (1) the fierce wolves roamed nearby, the old Romans called (2) the god Lupereus to help them. A festival in his (3) was held February 15th. On the eve of the festival the (4) of the girls were written on (5) paper and placed in jars. Each young man (6) a slip. The girl whose name was (7) was to be his sweetheart for the year.
Legend (8) it that the holiday became Valentine’s Day (9) a roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II (10) the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would (11) stay home than fight. When Valentine (12) the Emperor and secretly married the young couples, he was put to death on February 14th, the (13) of Lupercalia. After his death, Valentine became a (14) . Christian priests moved the holiday from the 15th to the 14th---Valentine’s Day. Now the holiday honors Valentine (15) of Lupercus.
Valentine’s Day has become a major (16) of love and romance in the modem world. The ancient god Cupid and his (17) into a lover’s heart may still be used to (18) falling in love or being in love. But we also use cards and gifts, such as flowers Or jewelry, to do this. (19) to give flower to a wife or sweetheart on Valentine’s Day can sometimes be as (20) as forgetting a birthday or a wedding anniversary.
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.2()