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        According to a report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the sale of computer

games in the United States of America has more than doubled in the past 10 years, from $2.6 billion to

$7 billion in 2005. Analysts (分析家) say that these numbers are very alarming and many people are

asking, “Can gaming become an addiction?” Elizabeth Woolly said, “Computer games, like any other

activity, can be hard to stop once an addiction has been formed.”

        Many students are addicted to computer games and they even forget eating and bathing. They don’t

go to school, playing games for hours of days. It is said that last year, seven people in South Korea died as

a result of too much gaming. 

       “We have kids who don’t know how to communicate with people face to face because they have

spent three years playing games and talking to others through a computer. Eventually computer games have

spoiled their eyes,” said a father.










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        According to the survey, many students become addicted to computer games and some even play

computer games for a long time without eating and bathing, which has bad effect on their studies and


        From my point of view, I am strongly against students’ playing computer games because it causes

many disadvantages. First, students addicted to computer games can’t concentrate on their study and there

fore they may fall behind the other students and their scores get worse and worse. Second, spending too

much time playing computer games instead of taking exercise will do harm to the students’ eyesight and

make their body in bad condition. Third, some computer games are full of violence, blood and sex, where

students may imitate them and do something wrong to society. 

        In conclusion, students should keep off computer games even though they have no lessons. They

should make full use of time to work hard at their lessons and take more exercise for the sake of their


