问题 写作题



    校学生会将在9月15日星期六傍晚7点放映影片My Fair Lady, 请你代表学生会根据下面所给的情景说明, 写一份书面通知, 通知日期是9月10号。内容包括:

1.  事宜:星期六傍晚7点放映影片My Fair Lady

2.  影片信息:根据爱尔兰作家(George Bernard Shaw)的作品Pygmalion改编的影片, 由著名影星Audrey Hepburn 主演, 该剧深度探讨了英国社会状况, 兼具独特的萧伯纳式幽默;

3.  地点:图书馆三楼;

4.  票价:2元(购票需出示学生证);

5.  提醒:观看者须提前两天到学生会办公室购票。




句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。




     My Fair Lady, the famous film, acted by the famous actress Audrey Hepburn, will be put on at

7 o'clock on September 15th, Saturday evening.The film, which is adapted from George Bernard

Shaw's Pygmalion, deeply researches the British society and has a Bernard Shaw's style of humor.

The ticket price is 2 yuan and student license should be presented when buying ticket.Please be well

noted you should go to the office of the Students Union in a twoday advance if you want to purchase

the ticket.Welcome to the third floor of the library to enjoy the film.

    The Students' Union

     September 10th

