问题 写作题

第三节:书面表达(满分 25分)

假如你是一名残疾人,请以“How We Hope to Be Treated”为题,写一篇短文,词数:120左右,至少包括以下的内容要点:

1 你是一名盲人,陈述一下你的残疾情况。


3 希望能被视为正常人,像正常人一样生活。

4 希望有更多的机会为社会服务。发挥潜力和特长。

5 希望得到尊重而不是歧视;希望得到认可而不是同情。


How We Hope to Be Treated

I have been blind since I was five.People often take it for granted that they can see things while the blind can not.But actually we blind people can see better with our ears and hands.

When talking about how we hope to be treated, well, first of all, I hope that people can treat us normally and we can live like all the other people.Please don’t help us to do everything.Being disabled, we can still do many things.Second, we hope that we could be given opportunities to work, thus we could develop our potential and make contributions to our society and this is the only way to live a normal life.Third, we hope people can respect us and get rid of prejudice over us and what we need is recognition rather than sympathy.
