问题 写作题



1. 相对北方而言,广东的气候冬不寒夏不热,春秋连在一起,适宜居住。

2. 全年温暖湿润,冬天最低温度为7摄氏度,最冷的1—2月份平均气温也有14摄氏度。

3. 夏天最高温度只有36摄氏度,最热的6—8月份月平均温度才28摄氏度。

4. 每年的5月到10月是雨季。

5. 但是,随着大气层二氧化碳的增多以及环境污染的日趋严重,跟全球一样,广东也时不时受极端天气的影响。


The Climate in Guangdong

Generally speaking, the climate in Guangdong is neither too hot nor too cold compared to the north, and autumn comes after spring, which is suitable to live in. The whole year is damp and warm, and the average temperature  is 14°C in winter with the lowest one  7°C in both January and February; in summer, the average temperature is only28°C with the highest one 36°C in the months from June to August . The rain season is between May and October. However, as people put more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and pollution gets more and more serious, Guangdong is affected extreme weather now and then, the same as other places on the earth.
