问题 写作题



(1)根据清晨电台广播的天气预报,今晚 有一股冷空气入侵我市并伴有一场大雨,请同学们离开教室时务必关好门窗。



提示:预报 forecast ,   推迟 put off                                   

Attention, please!

That s all. Thanks for your attention!


Attention, please!

We’ ve received the weather forecast over the radio early this morning, saying that a cold air will hit our city this evening and there will be a heavy rain as well. Make sure the doors and windows are shut before you leave the classroom. The sports meeting

will have to be put off until it turns fine. You'll have classes of Wednesday as usual.

Please get everything ready for class. Since it will be colder tomorrow, you'd better

put on more clothes.

That s all. Thanks for your attention!
