问题 写作题

第二节          书面表达(满分25分)

假如你叫李华,是中国西北部一个小镇里的中学生。该镇因其一座建于数百年前的古庙而闻名。古庙多次遭地震,洪水等的破坏,且年久失修。近年来,许多中外游客来此观光。你认为拆庙之举是错误的,指出保护古庙有益于发展本地旅游业,有益于该镇经济的发展等,并指出应保护文物。注意:1短文内容要连贯,完整。词数100左右。(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。). 生词:拆v. pull down

Dear Editor,


Li Hua


Dear Editor,

I am a middle school student. I live in a small town in the northwest of China. The town is famous for a temple which was built hundreds of years ago. For centuries, the temple was destroyed by earthquakes and floods but it wasn’t rebuilt in time. In the recent few years, many Chinese and foreign tourists have come to visit it.

But now some people want to pull it down to build a factory. I don’t think it right because the development of our tourism industry and the economy of the town needs it. Above all, we should protect our cultural relics.


Li Hua
