1. 北京是一座现代化的大都市,是中国的首都。人口有一千四百多万。
2. 北京是个历史悠久的城市,许多朝代在这里建都。市内有许多古代建筑和漂亮的公园环境优美.每年有数以百万计的各国旅游者来这里参观。
3. 北京是中国政治文化和经济中心。污染得到了很好的治理,到处种着树木和花草.随着国家的发展,它将变得越来越美丽。
Beijing is a big modern city of our country, and it is our capital, with a population of more than fourteen million. It is also a city with a long history. Many ancient dynasties made it their capitals, so there are many buildings and beautiful parks here. Every year millions of foreign visitors from all over the world come to Beijing.
Beijing is the capital, cultural and economic center of China. It has beautiful surroundings. Trees and flowers can be seen everywhere, and pollution has been got rid of completely. With the development of our country, it will become more and more beautiful. I hope that you will visit Beijing some day. I am sure you will have a good time.