问题 写作题


1.   出发时间为本周日上午7:00,请同学们穿好校服在校门口集合;

2.   排队等候时,同学们一定要遵守规则,不要插队,最好带上遮阳伞和折叠椅(folding chair);

3.   为保护世博园的环境,请同学们自带垃圾袋,切勿随地乱扔垃圾;

4.   下午5:30准时在6号门集合返校。


Boys and girls,

Good news! We are going to visit EXPO this Sunday. ____________________________



Hope we have great fun!

Students’ Union


Boys and girls,

Good news! We are going to visit EXPO this Sunday to enrich our knowledge and know more about the world. There are something you should keep in mind: first, we will meet at 7:00 in the morning at the school gate, remember to wear your school uniforms; second, when waiting in line, please obey the rules and never jump the queue; an umbrella and a folding chair will be very useful since you may spend much time waiting in the sun; third, don’t throw rubbish everywhere; bringing rubbish bags with you is a kind act of protecting the environment of the EXPO; finally, we will meet at Gate 6 at 5:30p.m. to return to school, don’t be late.

Hope we have great fun!

Students’ Union
