问题 选择题




C.c(H+) =c(OH-)







     Moving at any time of a year is difficult, but if you have a flexible schedule and are not on a specific

timeline, there are several factors to consider when deciding when to move. Keep in mind that these

factors could also be part of a negotiation deal with your employer if you are being relocated or if

starting a new position.

     If you have children at home, it is best to work around the school calendar.  Summer is an ideal time,

as children have completed another grade and have said their goodbyes to school friends. Planning to

move directly following the end of school, however, does not give your children time to adapt to the

idea of moving, to say goodbye to neighborhood friends and their home. When setting the date, allow

a few weeks at the new destination for children to unpack and meet new neighborhood friends. They

will be better prepared for the school year if they have time to make their new house their home.  Too

much change can be detrimental to performance and emotional wellbeing.

     What works best for your children also works best for you. As part of the settling in process, take

a few days for you and your children to check out the new school, meet some teachers and find

appropriate transportation. Both you and your children will be better prepared, leading to a smoother


    When possible, avoid moving before major holidays, such as Christmas, since part of such holidays

is being with family and friends. Birthdays, and other family events can also be difficult. Give yourself

enough time in your new place before the holiday season begins to meet new people and feel a sense

of community. Better yet, save your move for immediately following a holiday. Holidays provide a

perfect opportunity for goodbyes and final gettogethers.

     Most people would agree that summer is the best time to move. Children are out of school, the

weather is almost guaranteed to be perfect and friends are available to help. If this is your ideal time to

move, make sure you check moving company schedules and rates before confirming your move date.

  Most companies have peak times and will charge higher rates accordingly. Also, if you are planning

to move at peak times, you will need to be better organized to ensure that a moving company or a

moving truck is available for the date and times you require. Keep in mind that the level of the service

often changes between the summer months, when students replace fulltime experienced movers, and


     As much as summer could cost you more, winter, as common sense indicates, is also not an ideal

time to move. Travel is difficult, both for you and your family, along with the moving company.  Items

kept overnight in a truck under freezing conditions may result in damaged goods.  If you are moving

from one climate to another, water damage may occur when the mode of transport that is moving your

household items travels from a cold environment to a warmer climate. Freezing and thawing cause the

most damage if items are not properly sealed.

1. According to the passage, before moving children usually ________.

   A. meet new neighborhood friends

   B. pack their package

   C. say goodbye to neighborhood friends

   D. complete their grades

2. What is the disadvantage of moving in summer?

   A. The weather.

   B. Moving company schedules.

   C. The changeable level of the service.

   D. Without friends' help.

3. According to the passage, when is the best time to move?

   A. Winter.                  

   B. Vacations.

   C. Major holidays.            

   D. Summer.




  益州牧刘璋与先主会涪,统进策曰:“今因此会,便可执之,则 * * 无用兵之劳而坐定一州也。”先主曰:“初入他国,恩信未著,此不可也。”璋既还成都,先主当为璋北征汉中,统复说曰:“阴选精兵,昼夜兼道,径袭成都,璋既不武,又素无预备,大军卒至,一举便定,此上计也。杨怀、高沛,璋之名将,各仗强兵,据守关头,闻数有笺谏璋,使发遣 * * 还荆州。 * * 未至,遣与相闻,说荆州有急,欲还救之,并使装束,外作归形;此二子既服 * * 英名,又喜 * * 之去,计必乘轻骑来见, * * 因此执之,进取其兵,乃向成都,此中计也。退还白帝,连引荆州,徐还图之,此下计也。若沉吟不去,将致大困,不可久矣。”先主然其中计,即斩怀、沛,还向成都,所过辄克。于涪大会,置酒作乐,谓统曰:“今日之会,可谓乐矣。”统曰:“伐人之国而以为欢,非仁者之兵也。”先主醉,怒曰:“武王伐纣,前歌后舞,非仁者邪?卿言不当,宜速起出!”于是统逡巡引退。先主寻悔,请还。统复故位,初不顾谢,饮食自若。先主谓曰:“向者之论,阿谁为失?”统对曰:“君臣俱失。”先主大笑,宴乐如初。

  进围雒县,统率众攻城,为流矢所中,卒,时年三十六。先主痛惜,言则流涕    (取材于《三国志·蜀志》)  

1.下列语句中,加粗的词的解释不正确的一项是(     )    





2.下列各组语句中,加粗的词的意义和用法都相同的一组是(     )    



C. * * 无用兵之劳而坐定一州也——臣欲奉诏奔驰,刘病日笃    

D. * * 此执之——不如善遇之

3.下列对原文的理解和分析,不正确的一项是(     )    






(1)今因此会,便可执之,则 * * 无用兵之劳而坐定一州也。


