1. 海南岛就像一只雪梨,横卧中国南部南海(the South China Sea)之上。
2. 面积:35,000平方公里(中国第二大岛);
3. 历史:6,000多年;
4. 人口:7,110,000,包括十个民族;
5. 居民谋生方式:种水稻、捕鱼;
6. 不但气候四季宜人,而且风景名胜众多。(用倒装句)
Hainan Island, the second largest island in China, has/covers an area of 35,000 square kilometres with a history of over 6,000 years. It is like a pear, lying above the South China Sea. Hainan Island has a population of 7.11 million which consists of 10 nationalities. The people there make/earn a livingby growing rice, fishing and so on. Not only is the climate there pleasant all the year round but also there are many famous places of interest.