Parents’ Being Slaves to the Children
Parents’ being slaves to their children or “child’s salve” is nowadays a hot topic in China.
Parents’Being Slaves to the Children
Parents’ being slaves to their children or “child’s salve” is nowadays a hot topic in China. It refers to young parents who have to spend a large part of their income on children. These parents feel great strain under the burden of raising a child and struggle hard to make as much money as possible.
The cost of raising a child in China is becoming greater and greater. But economic pressure is not the only reason that makes young parents “child’s slave.” Parents’ competing with each other in trying to provide the best possible living conditions for their children should also be blamed. Retailers know well that young couples only buy the most expensive things for their children, so infant and child commodities become increasingly expensive.
If it continues, this problem would affect the parents and the development of our country. These parents would suffer from huge economic pressure, which may pose a threat to their marriages or physical and mental health. On the other hand, to avoid being slaves, some couples are unwilling to have children. If the birth rate decreases to a dangerous level, there would be insufficient work force in the future.