问题 写作题

假设你是刘杰,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr. Smith家里,刚回到国内。回国后你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:

* 感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助。  * 一本英语词典忘记带回。

* 词典是美国老师送的,非常珍贵。  * 词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上。

* 邮资自己付。



  3.参考词汇:邮资—postage  书架—bookshelf


Dear Mr.Smith,

I have arrived safely back in China. Thanks again for all your help and kindnessduring my stay in US. You really made sure I had a safe and enjoyable time. I hope you are well and that everything is fine with you.

Unfortunately, I have a very small favor to ask. When I got back to China, I checked my bags and realized that I had left my English dictionary at your house. This was a gift to me from my American teacher and I treasure it dearly. I wonder if you would mind sending it back to me. Of course, I will happily pay for any postage.

I last saw the dictionary on the bookshelf in my bedroom. It has a red cover so it should be easy to find!

Thanks in advance.

                                             Yours, Liu Jie

本文是一封书信,是考生非常熟悉的题材,要点也基本给出,文章的谋篇布局的难度也不大,我们只需要把中文翻译成英文即可。在翻译时请注意使用高级的词汇如in advance等,适当使用连接词让文章更连贯。
