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物体在地面上20m高的地方以7m/s2的加速度竖直下落,则在下落的过程中,物体的机械能(  )










      Some Chinese shops have stopped selling Japanese goods in protest against Tokyo's approval of a

school history book they say whitewashes Japan's militaristic past.

       It was not clear how many Chinese stores had stopped selling Japanese products, but one

association official told Renters that the boycott had begun in Shanghai, the country's business center, and

the northeast city of Shenyang.

       Chinese protests against Japan's bid for a permanent seat in the U.N. Security Council. Millions of

Chinese have already signed an online demand against giving Japan a permanent seat.

       South Korea also has criticized the Japanese text book decision. The Korean English-language

newspaper Korea Times ran an article on Monday criticizing that action.

       It said: "A civic education text even has a picture of Tokto (独岛) as Japanese district on its cover.

We cannot help but wonder how many countries in the world would be teaching their children in such

wrong words."

       It went on to say: "The country is already a global power and should show regional leadership, not

by force but by moral superiority. Tokyo doesn't appear to be reaching forward in this direction."    

1. From the passage, the word "whitewash" in the first paragraph probably means  _____.   

A. use something for painting

B. say some good words to hide the errors, faults

C. mix white chalk with water

D. make somebody beautiful by making up

2. How many cities which led a boycott of the goods are listed in the passage?   

A. One.          

B. Two.        

C. Three.         

D. Four.

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE?    

A. The Chinese led a boycott because Japan's bid for a permanent seat in the U.N. Security Council.

B. Shenyang is the business center of China.

C. Japan nowadays shows its regional leadership by moral superiority.

D. There has been much argument over an island between Japan and South Korea.

4. Which of the following can be the proper title of the news?  

A. Chinese and Korean Displeasure

B. China, South Korea and Japan

C. The Reform of U. N.

D. A New History Textbook