该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。
In my school six students punished for cheating in the mid-terms, but 小题1:
this didn't stop some students from doing the same thing. In one day's 小题2:
exams, on my way to home I heard some students talking with each other. "I 小题3: .
was too worried that I sent a message to everyone I know to ask the answers 小题4: .
of the questions on the politics exam paper." It's clear that many students 小题5:
cheated. This six unlucky students became the "killed chickens", but the 小题6: .
"monkeys" were not frightened at all. More and more students start cheating 小题7: .
in school exams. That must be how so many students do well in the exams 小题8:
at their own school, and fail in the college entrance examinations. I do hope 小题9:
that useful measures could be taken stop cheating in exams. 小题10: