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解析:我国《刑法》第263条和第274条分别规定了抢劫罪和敲诈勒索罪,两个犯罪中均有以胁迫或者威胁方式迫使被害人交出财物的情形。二者的区别是: (1)威胁的实施方式不同。抢劫罪的威胁,是当场直接向被害人发出的,具有直接的公开性;而敲诈勒索罪的威胁可以是面对被害人公开实行,也可以是利用书信、通讯设备或者通过第三人的转告通知被害人的间接实施。 (2)威胁的内容不同小抢劫罪的威胁,都是直接侵犯人的生命、健康的暴力威胁;敲诈勒索罪威胁的内容较广泛,可以是以针对人身实施暴力、伤害相威胁,也可以是以毁人名誉、毁其前途、设置困境等相威胁。 (3)威胁内容可能实施的时间不同。抢劫罪的暴力威胁的发生时间,一般是威胁在当场予以实施;而敲诈勒索罪则是威胁在将来某个时间将所威胁的具体内容付诸实施。 (4)威胁索取的利益性质不同。抢劫罪索取利益之性质,只能是财物,而且是动产;而敲诈勒索罪索取利益之性质,可以是财物,包括动产和不动产;也可以是其他财产性利益。 (5)非法取得利益的时间不同。抢劫罪非法取得利益的时间只能是当场;敲诈勒索罪非法取得利益的时间,有时是当场,更多的是在若干时日以后。 (6)威胁的效果有所不同。敲诈勒索罪中的威胁手段,是为了使被害人产生恐惧感和压迫感,但是并没有达到使被害人不能反抗的地步,被害人在决定是否交付财物上尚有考虑、选择的余地;而抢劫罪中的威胁,是为了使被害人当场受到精神强制,使其完全丧失反抗的意志,除财产当场交出外,没有考虑、选择的余地。



     In a survey of 1,500 European hotel managers, Americans were ranked second, behind the Japanese,

as the world's best tourists. In the survey, conducted in April by the online travel site Expedia's German

branch, Americans were seen as the most likely to try to speak a foreign language and the most interested

in tasting local food.

     Americans came in third, behind the Japanese and British, as the "most polite" tourists, and third, behind the Japanese and Germans, as "best behaved". And ---- Americans were ranked far and away as the

world's most generous tippers and biggest spenders.

     On the other hand, Americans were seen as the shabbiest(破旧的) dressers, the most likely to

complain and the second noisiest. Who is louder? Only the Italians.

     Some of the other findings: Russians were as the least polite travelers, followed by the Israelis and

French. The stingiest(吝啬的) tippers: the Germans, followed by the French and Israelis.

Italians, by far, were ranked as the best dressers, followed by the French and Spanish. In terms of bad

dressing, the British were a distant second to Americans, followed by the Germans.

     Who's the most unwilling to try speaking in a foreign language? The French, the British and the Italians,

in that order.

     The Chinese are the most reluctant to taste foreign food, followed closely by ---- this is strange ---- the British, whose home cuisine is probably the world's most seriously laughed at ( a little unfairly, perhaps).

     And, finally, the overall award for "worst tourist in the world" goes to the French, with the Indians and


1. The writer presents the passage here hoping to _____.

A. praise some travelers              

B. criticize some travelers

C. present the result of a survey        

D. encourage people to travel

2. Considering the best behavior, the tourists ranking second are from ____.

A. Britain      

B. America    

C. Japan    

D. Germany

3. According to the survey, the worst dressers in tourists are ___.

A. the British  

B. the Americans    

C. the Germans  

D. the Spanish

4. The underlined word "cuisine" can be replaced by ___.

A. cooking    

B. decoration      

C. education    

D. management
