问题 写作题


春节期间燃放烟花爆竹是我们中 * * 的传统,但每年很多人因此而伤亡。是否该禁止燃放烟花爆竹一直是人们热议的话题。请按下面的要求, 用英语写成一篇100-120字的短文,向21世纪英文报投稿。

请就此话题谈谈你的看法, 至少列出两条理由;



Fireworks display 燃放烟花爆竹

Whether fireworks display should be banned during the Spring Festival has been long debated. As far as I am concerned, _____________________________________________.







Whether fireworks display should be banned during the Spring Festival has been long debated. As far as I am concerned, it is not necessary to ban fireworks in the Spring Festival. The reasons are as follows:

First of all, fireworks display has been a Chinese tradition since long time ago. It can add joyful atmosphere to the Spring Festival. Without fireworks, it wouldn’t be quite like a festival, especially on New Year’s Eve. Besides, it has already been part of our Chinese culture, and we need to preserve our culture. (What’s more, if firework display were banned, all the firework factories would be shut down and thousands of workers out of work, which will cause more social problems.)

Therefore, I don’t think it very necessary to ban fireworks display. However, we do need to urge people to pay attention to their own safety when playing fireworks. Effective measures should be taken to ensure people’s safety. For example, we can guide people to play fireworks in a fixed place and at a fixed time.


Whether fireworks display should be banned during the Spring Festival has been long debated. As far as I am concerned, it is really necessary to ban fireworks display in the Spring Festival. There are reasons as follows:

First of all, it is very dangerous to set off fireworks. Every year, it is reported that setting off fireworks has caused many deaths and injuries. In some cases it even causes big fires, turning into tragic disasters. Secondly, fireworks will cause a lot of pollution, air and noise, for example, to the earth and our neighborhoods, especially at night.

Therefore, I think we should not set off fireworks in the Spring Festival. If we really want to create the joyful atmosphere of the traditional festival, electronic fireworks may be a good choice. Undoubtedly, they are safe to play and cause much less pollution. What’s more, they can be used repeatedly, thus saving much money.


