研究表明,笑对身体有利。请根据以下要点,用英语写一篇以Laughing Is Good for Health为题的短文。
笑的好处:1. 忘却烦恼和忧愁;2. 保持良好的心情, 对生活保持积极的态度;3. 易交友;4. 生命更长久。
Laughing Is Good for Health
Laughing Is Good for Health
Many studies show that laughing is good for our health, and I have the same opinion. The reasons are as follows. First, laughing can help us forget about worries and anxieties and keep us in a good mood, so that we will have a positive attitude toward life. Second, laughing can even help reduce pain, making us feel more comfortable. Third, if you often laugh or smile, people around you will be infected by it, which is helpful in making more friends. Last, doctors have discovered that people who laugh a lot are healthy and live longer. In fact, laughing is a means of exercise. So I think if we want to enjoy a longer life, we should set aside our worries and laugh often.
题目分析:本题是提纲类作文写作,文章题材和体裁已经给出,无需考生过多考虑。而考生重点要注意审题,只有做好了审题环节才能保证写作的有效性和目的性。审题主要要做到以下几点:①分清层次和段落,切勿平铺直叙,“一逗到底”。②句式﹑词汇要尽量多样,恰当使用较复杂的句式结构和较高级的词汇。 ③文章衔接紧密,过渡自然,恰当使用好连接词或过渡性词汇。④注意书写的整齐、美观,并正确使用标点符号。
【亮点说明】The reasons are as follows. 这句话用了as follows“如下”,laughing can help us forget about worries and anxieties and keep us in a good mood, so that we will have a positive attitude toward life. 这句话用了结果状语从句,laughing can even help reduce pain, making us feel more comfortable.这句话用了现在分词做伴随状语, if you often laugh or smile, people around you will be infected by it, which is helpful in making more friends.这句话是非限制性定语从句, doctors have discovered that people who laugh a lot are healthy and live longer. 这句话也是定语从句, So I think if we want to enjoy a longer life, we should set aside our worries and laugh often. 这句话用了set aside“放置一边”,还有文章还用了First, Second, Third, Last,这样的关联词使文章更加连贯。