As we all know, one’s potential is limitless. Especially in times of crisis, you can never imagine how powerful one’s potential will be. Therefore, it’s unwise to set limits to your potential.
Potential is limitless
It’s universally acknowledged that a person’s potential is limitless. When exposed to various pressure or challenges, many people will be sceptical of themselves, thinking they are incapable. Perhaps, never have they realized how powerful a person’s potential will be.
An interesting story will never fade from my memory though I heard of it many years ago. An injured soldier was informed that he would spend his rest life on the wheelchair. Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in drink every day. It never rains but pours.
One day, hardly had he got out of a pub when he was robbed by three guys. Unwilling to give in, he struggled against them, however, which set off the robbers’ anger and therefore they set fire to his wheelchair. Just when the big fire was endangering his life, he suddenly jumped out of his wheelchair and ran through a whole street swiftly. Then he stopped to take breath, only to find that he should walk and even run normally.
The story makes me firmly believe that our potential is limitless. Consequently, it’s of vital importance for us to spread the wings of our mind and grow our potential to the fullest.
亮点说明:范文使用了较多的重点语法知识:主语从句It’s universally acknowledged that a person’s potential is limitless.;非谓语动词When exposed to various pressure or challenges,thinking they are incapable,Hearing the news,Unwilling to give in;倒装句:never have they realized how powerful a person’s potential will be.;so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in drink every day;hardly had he got out of a pub;让步状语从句though I heard of it many years ago;宾语从句was informed that he would spend his rest life on the wheelchair,find that he should walk and even run normally,believe that our potential is limitless
;定语从句which set off the robbers’ anger;固定句型only to find that he should walk and even run normally;固定句型it’s of vital importance for us to spread the wings of our mind等,语法知识的使用给作文增色很多;
范文使用Perhaps, One day, however, therefore, Just, Consequently等来衔接上下文,做到了语意连贯;
范文使用了一些重点短语:be sceptical of, set fire to, of vital importance, to the fullest等,使作文变得充实;
另外,范文还使用了谚语It never rains but pours.。总体来看,范文是一篇很好的作文。