问题 单项选择题









网络地址转换(NAT,Network Address Translation)属于接入广域网(WAN)技术,是一种将私有(保留)地址转化为合法IP地址的转换技术,它被广泛应用于各种类型Internet接入方式和各种类型的网络中。NAT不仅解决了IP地址不足的问题,而且还能够有效地避免来自网络外部的攻击,隐藏并保护网络内部的计算机。 借助于NAT,私有(保留)地址的内部网络通过路由器发送数据包时,私有地址被转换成合法的IP地址,一个局域网只需使用少量IP地址(甚至是1个)即可实现私有地址网络内所有计算机与Internet的通信需求。 NAT将自动修改IP报文的源IP地址和目的IP地址,IP地址校验则在NAT处理过程中自动完成。有些应用程序将源IP地址嵌入到IP报文的数据部分中,所以还需要同时对报文的数据部分进行修改,以匹配IP头中已经修改过的源IP地址。否则,在报文数据都分别嵌入IP地址的应用程序就不能正常工作。 NAT的实现方式有三种:静态转换Static Nat、动态转换Dynamic Nat和端口多路复用OverLoad。 静态转换是指将内部网络的私有IP地址转换为公有IP地址,IP地址对是一对一的,是一成不变的,某个私有IP地址只转换为某个公有IP地址。借助于静态转换,可以实现外部网络对内部网络中某些特定设备(如服务器)的访问。 动态转换是指将内部网络的私有IP地址转换为公用IP地址时,IP地址是不确定的,是随机的,所有被授权访问上Internet的私有IP地址可随机转换为任何指定的合法IP地址。也就是说,只要指定哪些内部地址可以进行转换,以及用哪些合法地址作为外部地址时,就可以进行动态转换。动态转换可以使用多个合法外部地址集。当ISP提供的合法IP地址略少于网络内部的计算机数量时,可以采用动态转换的方式。 端口多路复用(Port address Translation,PAT)是指改变外出数据包的源端日并进行端口转换,即端口地址转换(PAT,Port Address Translationoef)采用端口多路复用方式,内部网络的所有主机均可共享一个合法外部IP地址实现对Internet的访问,从而可以最大限度地节约IP地址资源;同时,又可隐藏网络内部的所有主机,有效避免来自Internet的攻击。因此,目前网络中应用最多的就是端口多路复用方式。 所以,采用网络地址转换的IP地址管理策略。



                                                                                                                          Wednesday, May 21st

Dear Dad,

      I'm writing to you from Beijing. Maybe you don't know how happy I am here.

      Mother and I arrived here on the night of the 10th. Aunt Wang met us at the station. The next morning, we got up early. It was Sunday and Uncle took us out for a ride on the bus. Everything was so beautiful. I was so excited and so was Mother.

      That afternoon Aunt Wang took us to Beihai Park. First we climbed the hill, and then we went boating on the lake. While we were there, we met some overseas Chineses(华侨).They come back to China every year. They are very proud of China because it is becoming stronger and more beautiful every day.

      I haven't seen the Summer Palace yet. Uncle has promised to take me there and the zoo this coming

Sunday. Yesterday Uncle took me to see his company.

      How a week flies! I've seen and heard a lot of interesting things. I'll tell you more next time, It's time for bed, so I'll stop here. Hope to hear from you soon.                    



1. Where did Dan write the letter?


2. How many days have Dan and her mother stayed there before she wrote the letter?


3. On what clay did Dan go and see her uncle's company?


4. Which day will Uncle take her to the zoo and the Summer Palace?

