问题 单项选择题 A1/A2型题










    Years ago, when my co-worker, Andrea, asked if I'd like to come to a clothing exchange, I was interested,
"What's that?" I asked. "A bunch of us who are about the same   1   are getting together to exchange clothes
that are in good condition", she explained. "  2   me in!" I said.
    That night, I   3   my closet, finding shirts, skirts and pants I hadn't worn in months-or years! I looked at
the clothes I had   4   and wondered if anyone would want them. When I arrived at Andrea's, I found a group
of co-workers-and piles of clothes   5   around the living room. I also found homemade food and wine to   6 
    We chatted for a while, then the exchange began. We drew lots (抽签), each   7   selecting from the piles.
Hey! I   8   my shirt and jacket had been chosen by my co-workers. I guess my "tired" clothes did   9   special
to new eyes. Then, the floor was  10  to everyone and a free-for-all  11  as we ran around choosing and  12  
things on. 
    And as our choices were  13 , we went back to the dining room to eat and talk. I left that night with  14  as
many items as I'd brought-including a green silk evening dress I knew my daughter would love to dress up in-
and the  15  of an evening with a group of really special women. 
    Now our "Exchange Club" has become a tradition-and we  16  everything from kitchen gadgets to
houseplants, and  17  Christmas presents! 
     18 , as we've exchanged the "stuff" of our lives, we've exchanged our  19  office acquaintance for real
friendship-and for me, that's been the most  20  exchange of all.
( )1. A. height         
( )2. A. Add            
( )3. A. looked through  
( )4. A. thrown away     
( )5. A. put           
( )6. A. enjoy         
( )7. A. taking turns   
( )8. A.watched       
( )9. A. appear        
( )10. A. closed        
( )11. A. followed    
( )12. A. putting      
( )13. A. picked       
( )14. A. mostly        
( )15. A. luck          
( )16. A. stored        
( )17. A. dissatisfied  
( )18. A. First of all  
( )19. A. polite         
( )20. A. valueless      
B. size                
B. Put                 
B. saw through          
B. become interested in 
B. extended            
B. eat                 
B. standing in lines    
B. noticed              
B. remain               
B. open                 
B. passed              
B. catching             
B. made                 
B. nearly               
B. excitement           
B. ranged               
B. unhappy              
B. Best of all          
B. strange             
B. precious            
C. length         
C. Count          
C. sorted through  
C. lost sight of   
C. scattered      
C. drink          
C. keeping up     
C. realized        
C. display        
C. free           
C. brought        
C. picking        
C. determined      
C. about           
C. memory         
C. bought          
C. unwanted        
C. In all          
C. formal          
C. important       
D. shape          
D. Show           
D. lived through    
D. grown tired of          
D. spread         
D. take  
D. getting down   
D. knew           
D. look           
D. welcome        
D. returned       
D. trying         
D. settled        
D. almost         
D. thought        
D. exchanged      
D. useless        
D. At all         
D. familiar       
D. worthy         