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This is a very simple statement,yet not so easy to do—Keep your promises. I try to conduct my life in this manner. If you tell someone that you will do something for them,you can’t turn around at the 1ast minute and say, I didn’t do it because it wasn’t convenient. Keeping your promises is also a way to live your life with integrity. That's why it’s important to be aware of your  choice of words, and to live consciously. There were many times that I was not able to keep my promise for example of repaying some money to a friend or colleague, somewhere in the back of my mind I had always intended to repay the debt even if it was years in the future. But that is not a very good way of living. If you consistently live like this you will lose friends because l was not true to my word. It is heartbreaking for both sides.

Especial with Children you need to keep your promise. I get so disturbed when l hear parents trying to sooth a child’s temper and the parent says “I promise一" Later when the child remind the parent or guardian,it becomes clear that the parent had no real thought to keep the promise. The words were just said to placate the child. The parent, as I remember, thought that his or her child would just forget a11 about what was promised. But children have a great memory. Especially when they hear the words I PROMISE. Those words sound stronger than any other words in the English language to a child. We have been taught that those words have power and magic.








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Keep Your Promise

 Keeping your promise plays an important part in our daily life and it can help you make more friends. Besides, it can help you set a good example to your friends and people around you.

Please try to imagine: one day you have an appointment with your friend to go somewhere and ask your friend to wait for you,. But you forget it! Your friend has waited for a long time there and in the end he gets very angry. What’s more, you do not say sorry to him. After that, he no longer trust you and keep away from you, you must feel very upset. On the contrary, if you always keep your promise, the people around you will think it worth to keep friendship with you. So you will be able to make more and more friends.

 In my opinion, keeping a promise is very important. If you keep your promise, you will be able to let other believe in you and you have more opportunity to lead to success. If you can’t, you lose your chance to gain other’s trust and it will cause you trouble.
