问题 翻译题


1. 请允许我代表北京四中向各位来宾表示欢迎。(on behalf of)


2. 这道练习题太难了, 班里大部分学生做不出来。(beyond)   


3. 我们认为社会各阶层的人都有受教育的权利。(It’s one’s belief…)  


4. 我们写信给每一位教师邀请他们参加我们的新年联欢会。  


5. 人们通常把家当作躲避伤害的地方。(shelter…from)



1. Please allow me to show welcome to the guests on behalf of Beijing No.4 High School.   

2. The exercise is beyond the ability of most of the class.   

3. It’s our belief that people from all levels of society have the right to receive education.   

4. We wrote to all of our teachers inviting them to come to our New Year's party.   

5. Home is usually regarded as a place which can shelter us from any harm.

