1. 当搬到一个新的地方,我们通常需要让自己去适应新的环境。
When we move to a new place, we usually need to _________ _________ to the new surroundings.
2. 在现代社会,既要具有竞争力又要具有合作精神对于我们来说才是明智的。
In modern society, it does _________ _________ for us to be both competitive and cooperative.
3. 在某种程度上来讲,我们是否能向后代提供一个更美好的明天取决于我们今日的行为。
To some extent, whether we can present a better earth to our future generations _________ _________
what we are doing today.
4. 现在中国政府正竭力加速构筑一个和谐的社会。
Nowadays, the Chinese government is trying its best to _________ _________ the construction of a
harmonious society.
5. 考虑到他还年轻,他父母不同意他明年出国读大学。
Considering his young age, his parents haven't _________ _________ his going abroad for college
education next year.
1. adjust ourselves 2. make sense 3. relies on 4. speed up 5. approved of