Do you often play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with others? Most children often play this
game and love to play it. Hide-and-seek is a very old game. Maybe your father and mother
play it. Maybe your grandfather and grandmother do, too.
How do we know this? Old stories tell about hide-and-seek. Very old pictures also show
the game.
Boys and girls today play many old games. Big children show little children how to play
them. And so the games live on.
1. Hide-and-seek is _____.[ ]
A. an old picture
B. an old game
C. for your father and mother
D. for your grandfather and grandmother
2. A grandmother is a _____.[ ]
A. mother's father
B. father's mother
C. mother's daughter
D. father's sister
3. This story tells us a _____.[ ]
A. game
B. photo
C. picture
D. sport
4. We know about hide-and-seek from _____ and pictures. [ ]
A. mothers
B. fathers
C. stories
D. all of the above
5. Little children learn games from _____. [ ]
A. TV shows
B. books
C. stories
D. big children