问题 选择题

2012年2月4日在中央电视台《感动中国》年度人物评选活动举办______周年之际,中 * * 政治局常委李长春致信祝贺。 [ ]








Students must apply for a place before attending any class. Applications(申请), either by post or in person, are dealt with strictly in the order they are received at the Adult Education Office.

  You can apply:

  BY POST-Use the card provided with the exact fee. You'll be accepted on the course unless it is full, in which case we will inform you. An acknowledgement(承认) will not be made nor a receipt(收据) sent unless you provide a stamped addressed envelope. Receipts will normally be given out at the first class.

  IN PERSON-Call at the Adult Education Office (ground floor, Block C) between approximately 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (2:30 p.m. on Fridays), or at the College Reception Desk (at the main entrance) at the other times (in the evenings until about 7:30 p.m. on Fridays).

  Students should note that popular classes may be full well before the course is to start, so that early application is strongly advised to avoid disappointment.

  For the AUTUMN TERM, applications will be accepted by post (preferably) or in person from 1st August.

  For the SPRING TERM, applications will be accepted from 1st December.

  For the SUMMER TERM, applications will be accepted from 1st April.

68.Students who apply to the college by post will ________ .

  A.avoid disappointment

  B.be sent a bill

  C.have an advantage over people applying in person

  D.be informed if they haven't got a place

69.Students applying by post must ________ .

  A.hand in a stamped addressed envelope in person

  B.pay at the first class

  C.bring the receipt to the first class

  D.send payment with their application

70.Where can students apply in person?

  A.At the College Reception Desk at 3:30 p.m.

  B.At the Adult Education Office after about 3:30 p.m.

  C.At the Adult Education Office at 9:30 a.m.

  D.At the College Reception Desk at 2:20 p.m. on Fridays.

71.If students want to apply for the AUTUMN TERM, ________ .

  A.they should check whether the course is full

  B.they can apply by post or in person

  C.applications must be received by August 1st

  D.they must apply in person before August 1
