问题 翻译题


1 .Only when you learn to respect others ,______________( 别人会尊重你) .(respect)

2 .Had I followed your advice to take with my umbrella ,I ________________( 就不会淋雨) ,so now

I am running a high fever.(catch)

3 .________________( 他们过着多么艰辛的生活) before they became famous !(What)

4 .________________( 他被选中)as an actor in the film made the family delighted.(choose)

5 .Not ________________( 收到他的邀请) ,I didn't go to his wedding party.(receive)

6 .Since the beginning of the vacation ,I ______________( 旅游)across the country ,and my next stop

is Mount Tai.(travel)

7 .The international agreement ,________________( 计划)to encourage children not to smoke and

help people kick the habit ,was signed yesterday.(intend)

8 .If your order is ready ,the T -shirt ________________( 送达你处)as soon as possible.(deliver)

9 .Professor Smith ,along with his assistants ,____________________( 研究这个项目)day and night

to meet the deadline.(work)

10 .Such poets as Shakespeare are widely read ,of whose works ,however ,some ________________

( 难以理解) .(understand)


1.can you be respected  2.wouldn't have been/got caught in the rain  3.What a hard life they lived

4.His being chosen/That he was chosen  5.having received his invitation 6.have been traveling

7.(which was)intended  8.will be delivered to you  9.is working on the project

10.are difficult to understand(答案不唯一)

问答题 简答题