问题 翻译题


1 .It was only after he had spent several nights experimenting ________________( 他决定)

to write to Dr Williams to find out if he was wasting his time.(decide)

2.According to a recent survey,a growing number of people express a strong desire

________________(从事另外一份工作的)in order to get more money to support

their family.(take)

3.We desire that ________________(给予帮助)to the local villagers immediate who

have been trapped by the flood.(give)

4.________________(解雇) by one company doesn’t necessarily mean that you have

no way out to support yourself.(lay)

5.With the world changing fast,we have ________________(要处理的新事物)all

by ourselves every day.(deal)

6.Wally,________________(在护士的陪伴下),was flown directly to a hospital for

more intensive treatment.(accompany)

7. ________________(油漆成红色),the building stands out among the rest and looks

very attractive. (paint)

8.Listen! The head teacher along with the students ________________(受批评) in the

next room by the headmaster.(criticize)

9.No wonder you are being scolded by Mom;you were out playing football when you


10.Had little Tommy taken more care of himself,he ________________(不会病倒)

last night.(fall)


1. that he decided    2.to take another job    3.help(should)be given    4.Being laid off

5.something new to deal with    6.(who was)accompanied by the nurse    7.Painted red

8.is being criticized    9.ought to have been studying    10.wouldn’t have fallen ill





(1)过碳酸钠溶于水后所得溶液一定显               (“酸性”、“碱性”或“中性”)。

(2)操作①需要的玻璃仪器有                                    (填写仪器名称)。


①要检验工业纯碱中杂质的存在,最好选用下列试剂中的          (选填序号)。

a.氢氧化钡溶液  b.稀硝酸  c.硫氰化钾溶液  d.硝酸银溶液

②检验装置B气密性的方法是:塞紧带长颈漏斗的三孔橡胶塞,夹紧弹簧夹后,从漏斗注入一定量的水,使漏斗内的水面高于瓶内的水面,停止加水后,若                 ,说明装置不漏气。

③装置A的作用是                ,装置C中的试剂为               



多项选择题 案例分析题