问题 材料分析题


材料二:胡 * * 同志在清华大学百年校庆讲话中指出,当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期。世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,世界经济格局发生新变化,综合国力竞争和各种力量较量更趋激烈,世界范围内生产力、生产方式、生活方式、经济社会发展格局正在发生深刻变革。特别是创新成为经济社会发展的主要驱动力,知识创新成为国家竞争力的核心要素。在这种大背景下,各国为掌握国际竞争主动,纷纷把深度开发人力资源、实现创新驱动发展作为战略选择。在讲话中,胡 * * 同志号召青年学生把创新思维和社会实践紧密结合起来。









        Walking in the street, Richard didn't know where to go. His hometown was about 400 miles away.
He used to have little food. So he came to this city. But nobody would use a man who could neither read
nor write. It began to snow and soon the ground turned white. He felt a little warm when he was passing
a restaurant. He stood at the gate, but a policeman saw him and made him leave.
       The young man was hungry and cold . He was afraid of dying in such bad weather.He went in a
supermarket. It was quite warm in it. He knew he would soon be driven out. He thought for a while and
had an idea. He looked around. The salesgirl was busy serving (为…服务) a rich man. He put on a coat
quickly and hurried off. Bad luck! Another salesgirl found it. Of course, he was caught and sent to a police
station. He understood the prison (监狱) was waiting for him.
      "Were you thinking of anything while you were stealing the coat, young man?" asked an officer.
       "Yes, sir" answered Richard," I would have a warm coat unless (除非) I was caught; In case (万一)
I would able to live in a warm room!"

1. Richard came to the city to              .
[ ]
A. look for some food
B. find a job
C. find a warm place
D. steal a coat
2. The policeman didn't let Richard              .
[ ]
A. go into the restaurant
B. beg something in the restaurant
C. stand at the gate of the restaurant
D. watch the people in the restaurant
3. Richard stole a coat              .
[ ]
A. when the salesgirl was serving the rich man
B. after the salesgirl left the supermarket
C. as soon as he went in the supermarket
D. when he was leaving the supermarket
4. The phrase "a warm room" Richard wanted to live in means              .
[ ]
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
[ ]
A. Richard was afraid to be caught.
B. Richard was glad to be a thief.
C. Richard preferred staying in the city to living in his hometown.
D. Richard preferred being in prison to dying in the cold weather.