问题 阅读理解

Many people think that the most popular way of communicating with other people is through the mouth. But what they don’t know is that actual communication using the mouth accounts for only around 10% (or even less) of all the means to communicate a message.

Moreover, you can never determine the truthfulness or honesty of people by what they say alone. In fact, words expressed through the mouth often do not reflect what people really think or feel. The more reliable way you can determine their true inner feelings and thoughts is by reading their body language. Everybody communicates using these gestures and if you understand the gestures and their meanings you will be able to read people and know what they are really communicating to you. One researcher even went as far as to say that we speak to hide what’s on our minds. But gestures cannot lie.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you can “see through” the emotions of other people? Let’s say you ask a person whether he can do an important task. He says “OK”. But deep inside, you are questioning yourself, “Is he really willing to do this job?” or “Does he have the confidence in finishing this task?” You can’t question him directly because that would be like belittling him. And even if you ask him those questions, his replies will not tell you what he really feels or thinks. So the most useful way is to observe his body language. Expressions like smiling, frowning, pouting, facial reddening, sweating, toe curling and sideways glances are visible hints that can help you make a right judgment.

1. 小题1:According to the passage, we know _______.

A.words through the mouth are the most common way in communication

B.body language is the quickest way to help people understand each other

C.expressions are the most powerful tool to judge whether a man is confident or not

D.you may know what a person really thinks with the help of reading his body language2. 小题2:What does the underlined sentence mean in the second paragraph?

A.We can express ourselves well by body language.

B.We use words to prevent others knowing our true thoughts

C.Spoken words can fully reflect our true self.

D.We use body language to help express ourselves.3. 小题3:The underlined word in the third paragraph can be replaced with ______.

A.looking down upon

B.speaking highly of

C.laughing at

D.believing in





1. 小题1:第一段说语言交流只占所有交流方式的 10%或者更少。虽然下文讲的是body language的重要性,但并没有说明最主要的交流方式是什么,也没有说body language是最快捷的交流方式或者最强有力的交流工具,故只有D的说法合理。

2. 小题2:联系上下文内容可知。

3. 小题3:联系上文,这句话意思是“你不能直接问他,因为这样看起来就像看不起他”。因此选


某石油企业(China-Oil)因战略发展和业务扩张需要,在前期调研和中介协调的基础上,拟与当前欲剥离部分资产的美国北美油砂公司(NA Oil-Sand,一家在纽交所挂牌交易的上市公司,该公司掌握全球领先的油砂开采技术)开展油气业务合作。China-Oil对美方提供的地质和技术信息进行了分析和研究,并经过初步询价,决定以股权收购方式从NA 0il-Sand手中购买其旗下主要从事油砂开采业务的子公司(Subsidiary)的部分股权。该Subsidiary现有股权结构为:NA Oil-Sand持有80%股份,加拿大永新能源公司(Ever-glowing Energy)持有15%股份,剩余5%的股份由NA Oil-Sand设在开曼群岛的另一家子公司持有。双方初步同意,China-Oil将直接或通过其控股的附属公司从NA 0il-Sand手上收购Subsidiary 40%的股份。经过法律、财务、环保、税务、技术等方面的尽职调查后,China-0il与NA 0il-Sand就有关交易文件展开了艰苦的谈判,并最终签署了股权收购协议。根据顾问的建议,China-Oil决定采用“中国母公司—维尔京群岛控股公司—美国目标公司”的投资主体结构,并着手在维尔京群岛设立控股公司。但随后因美国政府审批未获通过,该交易宣告流产。

China-Oil聘请了国际知名律师事务所协助进行法律尽职调查,在尽职调查中发现的( )问题足以颠覆收购交易的可行性。



C.NA Oil-Sand在与另一家股东Ever-glowing Energy签订的股东协议中约定,NA 0il-Sand在转让其所持Subsidiary股份时,对方有优先购买权

