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Questions 61-70 are based on the following passage.

While some international couriers are showing signs of exhaustion, EMS (Express Mail Service), the generic name for the courier services of post offices, seems to be finding its stride. Known as Datapost in Britain, as Chronopost in France, and as A1-Barid al-Mumtaz in Saudi Arabia, EMS is now second in the international courier business (jointly with TNT Skypack). Last year it delivered 5.6 million items, weighing less than 20 kilograms each, across borders. That and its annual growth rate of around 5 percent have worried DHL, the market leader, enough for it to counter-attack in the Courts.
On October 26, a Dutch judge ruled against DHL on all three counts filed against the Dutch post office: that the three-initial name was too close to DHL’s; that the orange lines in the EMS logo were too similar to DHL’s dark red ones; and that the claim to the widest route system in the world was unfounded. DHL has threatened the Swiss post office with similar action, but it may reconsider after the Dutch ruling.
EMS has some advantages over the private couriers. One is a dense ready-made network of offices, especially in Europe, the avowed target area of the private couriers. Another advantage is a long tradition of working with customs authorities. In a business where minutes count, it pays to have good friends at customs. That advantage particularly irritates the private couriers because there is no legal way to combat such unquantifiable coziness.
The private courier services are also annoyed because in countries like Switzerland and Italy, where the post office is officially a monopoly, they pay it a fee. In Switzerland DHL says it pays more than SFr lm ($ 708,000) "to the competition" each year. In France the couriers have won a battle for exoneration.
Although governments are under little pressure to keep prices artificially low, EMS is often cheaper than the private couriers, but not always. A recent test in Britain (on a domestic route) showed Datapost about halfway between the least and the most expensive, but gave it full marks for speed and service.
Each national EMS is free to set its rates and follow its own rules on things like bulk discounts. The Universal Postal Union, based in Berne, determines how costs and revenues are split between sending and receiving countries, and standardizes procedures. More than 100 postal administrations have linked into the system—and more are coming, including Russia’s. That makes the feisty EMS particularly happy since its rivals have not been allowed to serve anywhere in Russia.

The recent test in Britain shows that ______.

A. EMS provides better services than the private couriers
B. the private couriers are as cheap as EMS
C. the private couriers are faster than EMS
D. EMS is always cheaper than the private couriers


一、注意事项  1.《申论》考试,与传统作文考试不同,是对分析材料的能力、表达能力的考试。  2.作答参考时限:阅读资料40分钟,作答110分钟。  3.仔细阅读给定的资料,按照后面提出的“申论要求”依次作答。   二、资料  经专家鉴定,贵州全省共有病险水库918座,其中,中型22座、小(一)型209座、小(二)型687座,占现有水库总数的47.8%。每年因此影响农田灌溉近10万公顷,直接经济损失上亿元。众多的病险水库凸现水利管理体制“软肋”。大批病险水库不仅没有发挥应有效益,在汛期还时刻威胁着下游人民群众生命财产安全。  贵州省水利厅副厅长涂集说,由于受特殊地形、地质条件限制,水库工程规模小、投资大,且大部分水库都建于五六十年代,其坝体建设质量较差,设计洪水标准偏低,年久失修老化严重,这些水库库小坝高,大多位于城镇或村寨上游,一旦溃决失事,将对水库下游造成严重灾害。目前仍有许多水库带病运行,即使是已除险加固的水库,也大多没有经过高洪水位的考验,这给防汛工作带来不利影响。  新中国成立以来,贵州兴建了一大批水利工程,初步建成了防洪、灌溉、供水、发电、排涝等水利工程体系,为全省经济社会发展提供了有力的水资源利用和防洪安全保障。但是,水利工程管理中存在的管理体制不顺、职能不清、权责不明,管理单位事企不分、机制不活、管理粗放,运行管理和维修养护经费不足,水价偏低等问题导致了大量水利工程老化失修,积病成险,效益衰减,严重影响了水利工程的安全运行,影响了经济的发展。  贵州省水利厅水管局局长杨春友指出水利部门的调查显示,贵州水利工程管理中存在的问题主要表现在几个方面:  重建轻管,重用轻管现象普遍存在,供水水价偏低。大量公益性水利工程维修、养护、运行管理经费严重不足。据普查,全省现有554个小(一)以上水管单位中,全额拨款54个,定额拨款5个,差额拨款56个,自收自支(无拨款)388个。8个中型和43个堤防管理单位现尚无拨款。全省由财政负担的水管单位目前仅有115个,仅占全部水管单位的20.76%,无拨款的水管单位439个,占79.24%。  水利工程维修养护资金缺口大。按照国家水利部拟定的维修养护定额标准测算,全省近7000处小(二)型以上的蓄、引、提水利工程,每年约需1.4亿多元维修养护资金,然而,由于财力有限,各级财政投入水利工程的维修养护经费甚少,与实际所需差距较大。  水管单位内部机构和岗位设置不科学,素质偏低,专业人员严重短缺。据统计,全省水管单位具有高、中级职称的技术人员仅占职工总数的1.43%,技术力量薄弱。贵州水利工程多处偏僻山区,工作条件差,效益差,基本生活无保障,人员外流十分严重。  水管单位入不敷出。2002年全省小(一)型以上国有水管单位经营收入6009.99万元,支出7430.44万元,收支结余为负1420.45万元,多数工程未提折旧费,实际亏损超过3000万元,95%的水管单位人不敷出,无法进行简单再生产,水管单位该拿的钱没处拿,该收的钱没有收或无法收。据调查,有的水管单位职工最高月工资仅 250元,最低月工资仅有80元,远不及最低生活保障的一半。  水管单位社会保障程度低,职工福利待遇差。80%的水管单位无力为职工缴纳养老保险,80%的职工未参加社会保险,导致人员流失,职工整体素质偏低,工程管理水平不高,部分工程无人管护或临时聘请当地农民看管,许多农田水利基础设施损毁严重,已严重影响了工程的正常运行。  据介绍,建国以来,贵州共建成各类水利工程8.9万余处,水利工程每年为全省工农业生产和城乡人民生活供水60多亿立方米,有效灌溉农田67万公顷。
