问题 单项选择题 B1型题











     Almost every family in America or England buys at least one copy of a newspaper each day.Some

people buy as many as two or three different papers.

    Why do people read newspapers? Newspapers supply us with news about events in our hometowns,

in our country, and in other parts of the world. Today we can read about important things that took place

in foreign countries on the same day they happened, even in countries far away. But hundreds of years ago news took months or even years to travel from one country to another. In those times, news was often

passed from one person to another and never entirely true. Newspapers today supply us with more than

just what happened m our country or in other countries. If we want to know what the weather will be like, we can read the weather reports. If we want to find out what films are being shown, or what plays or

concerts we can go to, we can look in the newspapers.

1. This article tells us______ .

A. few people read newspapers

B. all people read newspapers

C. almost every family in America or England reads newspapers

D. all families read newspapers

2. Newspapers supply us with ______ .

A. only home news

B. only world news

C. home news and world news

D. important things

3. Today we can read in our newspapers about______. important events ______.

A. that took place hundreds of years ago

B. that took place in far away countries soon after they happened

C. that will take place in foreign countries

D. that will take place in the world

4. Things such as ______can be found in newspapers.

A. weather reports and film or concert guides

B. requirements for a job or a house

C. information about a lost person

D. all of the above

5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The habit of reading newspapers is found among most people.

B. Newspapers can not only supply us with news from all over the world but also give us a lot of useful


C. Hundreds of years ago news was not entirely true because it was told in spoken words.

D. If you have no place to live in, you can put a notice m a newspaper and then you will  certainly get a

room to live in.



材料一 “由于民主政府的本质是没有任何力量能够阻挡的多数人绝对主权,一个多数群体必然会有权力去压制少数群体。正如有绝对权力的个体会滥用他的权力,有绝对权力的多数群体亦会如此。鉴于公民的平等状态,我们可以预见一种新的压迫形式会在民主国家中出现……”                                        ——托克维尔《美国的民主》

材料二 对美国历史的进一步观察表明,也许美国的开国之父们在设计美国宪法时,主导思想本来就不是"民主的最大化",而仅仅是"制衡最大化" 。



材料三 最高法院为非民选的机构,在美国的宪政结构冲突中拥有最终的裁判权。参议院的人员每州两名,和每州的人口数量不构成比例关系,其人员由各州议会指定而不是民众直接选举。……总统由每州选举的选举人团选举产生,而不是由全体选民直接选举产生。



