问题 完形填空



It seemed to be an ordinary Saturday at the restaurant I worked in. Then, all of a sudden, all the staff started turning the kitch upside down, going through the garbage and looking for something. As it  36 , a fellow server had lost her wallet, which was full of  37 . It was really  38  to see so many people digging through the  39  and taking the time to help the girl. She was beside herself in  40 .

Then, the story took a turn for the  41 . They found her wallet in the staff bathroom,  42 . There is no  43  that another employee stole her money and left the empty wallet in the restroom  44  everyone else was busy trying to find it. Jaws dropped to the  45 , hearts sank, people were hurt and  46  and everyone was shocked that someone we worked with everyday could do such a thing. It  47  so dark and depressing — Where had goodness and love gone?

Then, the story took yet another surprising  48 — for the better! Next thing I knew was that another server was handing this girl $175.00 — a group of employees had pooled their money together to   49  the stolen money.

Customers that got wind of what had happened gave her money  50  . All kinds of people ,  51  some who didn’t know her, reached out their hands to help.  52  the end of evening her tears of pain had turned into tears of  53 . Overwhelmed by the love and kindness of others, the  54  was written all over her face as she thanked everyone as much as she could.

It’s things like this that  55  me that there is so much more love in every person in this world than there could ever be darkness.

36.  A. worked out       B. came out           C. ran out            D. turned out

37.  A. checks           B. earnings             C.bills              D. money

38.  A. frightening        B. relaxing            C. annoying          D. moving

39.  A.garbage           B. mud               C. crowds            D. streets

40.  A. excitement        B. happiness          C. tears              D. fear

41.  A.better             B. worse             C.best                D. worst

42.  A. full              B. broken            C. empty             D. dirty

43.  A. evidence          B. doubt             C. reason             D. question

44.  A. before           B. after              C. until               D. while

45.  A. floor             B. ceiling            C. roof                D. river

46.  A. anxious          B. suspect            C. upset               D. bored

47.  A. proved          B. seemed           C. caused               D. stated

48.  A. end              B. excuse            C. turn               D. chance

49.  A. replace           B. find               C. return               D. repair

50.  A. as for            B. as follows          C. as well             D. as above

51.  A. even             B. though             C. also               D. ever

52.  A. On              B. In                 C. At                D. By

53.  A. angry            B. joy                C. disappointment      D. shame

54.  A. satisfaction       B. surprise              C. gratitude           D. courage

55.  A. remind           B. warn              C. predict             D. illustrate


36-40  DDDAC 41-45  BCBDA    46-50  CBCAC     51-55  ADBCA   


春が訪れ、過ごしやすい季節になりました。しかし最近、 50 花粉症に悩(なや)まされる人が増えています。春は花粉症の季節でもあるのです。 花粉症とは何でしょうか。花粉症は花粉に対するアレルギー反応で、アレルギー体質の人は花粉症になりやすいと言われています。花粉は体にとって有害なものではありません。しかし、花粉症になりやすい人の体に花粉が入ると、体は花粉を侵(しん)入(にゅう)者(しゃ)だと思って、花粉に対してガードマンのような働きをする「抗(こう)体(たい)」を作り出します。この「抗(こう)体(たい)」が蓄(ちく)積(せき)されて一定の水準になると、花粉を追い出すためにくしゃみや鼻水などのアレルギー症状が現れます。そのくしゃみや鼻水によって花粉を追い出そうとするのです。 51 、花粉に対して体が過(か)剰(じょう)に反応して症状が出るのが花粉症というわけです。 花粉が多く飛ぶ季節を快適に過ごすために、花粉症の人は規制正しい生活をして、体調管理に努め、とにかく花粉に接しないようにしなければなりません。外出時にはマスクやめがねで花粉が体に入るのを防ぎ、帰宅時には服についた花粉を落としてから、家に 52 。 実は、今花粉症ではない人も、今後症状が現れる可能性があります。花粉症にならないようにするためには、花粉症の人と同じようになるべく花粉に接しないことが重要です。生活空間に花粉を持ち込まないようにしてください。いつ誰が花粉症になっても不思議ではありません。誰も自分には関係がないとは言えないもの、それが 53 です。花粉症の人もそうではない人も、春は過ごし方に少し 54 。




