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Kindle:Amazon’s 6″Wireless Reading Device

Only $299.00

Slim:Just over 1/3 of an inch , as thin as most magazines

Lightweight:At 10. 2 ounces ,lighter than a typical paperback

Wireless:3G wireless lets you download books right from your Kindle , anytime , anywhere ; no monthly fees , service plans , or hunting for Wi-Fi hotspots .

Books in Under 60 Seconds ; Get books delivered in less than 60 seconds ; no PC required .

Paper-like Display : Reads like real paper ; now boasts 16 shades of gray for clear text and even more beautiful images .

Long Battery Life : 25% longer battery life ; read for days without recharging .

Storage : Carry your library with you ; Holds over 1,500 books .

Read-to-Me : With the new text-to-speech feature , Kindle can read every newspaper , magazine , blog , and book out loud to you .

Free Book Samples : Download and read first chapters for free before you decide to buy .

Large Selection : Over 300 , 000 books plus US and international newspapers , magazines , and blogs available .

Low Book Prices : New York Times Best Sellers and New Releases $9.99 , unless marked otherwise .

Protect your Kindle for two full years—Add an additional year and more comprehensive protection than the one-year manufacturer’s warranty(保修), including coverage for accidental drops and damage . This helps avoid the inconvenience and costs associated with a broken device . The warranty stays with the device even if it is gifted or sold to another party .

The Kindle Extended Warranty is offered and sold by an experienced service management company , Service Net Retail Solutions (Service Net) . If your Kindle experiences a covered failure during the plan’s term , Service Net will replace your unit at no additional cost .

What is Covered

◆ Two years of coverage for failures due to normal operation of device

◆ Tow years of coverage for accidental drops or damage

How it Works

◆ Purchase 2-year Extended Warranty plan for your qualifying Kindle ( you will receive an information packet in the mail )

◆ Contact Service Net customer service at (877) 441-3836 if your Kindle fails

◆ Receive a replacement Kindle and return your damaged device to Service Net

1. The ad is intended for those who          .

A. prefer listening to pop music            B. are fond of playing video games

C. like reading novels                    D. want to look up new English words

2. Kindle is especially helpful to those        .

A. whose eyesight is very bad              B. whose English is not very good

C. who are blind and deaf                 D. who are very slim

3. We can learn from the passage that        .

A. you can download a whole book free of charge

B. you have to pay some fees when you download a whole book

C. the battery can only last a few hours before recharging

D. you can get a book downloaded in less than half a minute

4. If you have your Kindle damaged by chance within two years after you purchase the 2-year Kindle Extended Warranty plan , you         .

A. can get your money back

B. can have your unit repaired free of charge

C. can get a new unit free by returning the damaged one

D. can have your unit repaired at a low cost







齐某在抢劫时被蔡某等人当场抓获。公安机关讯问时,齐某对抢劫行为供认不讳,并指认参与抓获他的蔡某曾强 * * 过妇女。对齐某的抢劫案经一审判决后,检察院以量刑过轻为由提出了抗诉。在二审过程中,齐某又供认曾有盗窃行为。二审法院调查后证实齐某供认的盗窃属实,并构成盗窃罪。二审法院据此直接判处齐某抢劫罪和盗窃罪两罪并罚。因齐某的指认,公安机关对蔡某强 * * 案进行侦查。受害妇女艾某证实曾遭强 * * ,所描述的作案人体貌特征与蔡某相似,但因事隔一年,经辨认却又不能肯定是蔡某。讯问蔡某时,蔡某不承认。后因侦查人员逼供,蔡某被迫承认,但所供述的内容与艾某所述作案过程在细节上多有不符。本案虽无其他证据;但检察院仍决定提起公诉。法院审理期间,正在外地服刑的齐某承认,强 * * 艾某的是他自己。齐某所交代的强 * * 犯罪过程与艾某所述细节相符,经查证,齐某的这一供述属实,法院因此判决蔡某无罪,根据以上事例,请回答下列问题:




